
Medea 1994

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Medea: ‘Whether the story is correct, I don’t know. I wish it wasn’t.

Medea tied to a chair. The actor Jason is also the director of six actors of Theater Stap: Medea and Jason, the Princess, the nanny, the children.

The actors are material to Jason, the actor. At least, that’s what he thinks or hopes.

Medea: ‘ I don’t want any luxury that hurts, no riches when my heart is tormented.’

‘After a performance, something must have happened inside your head. Theatre doesn’t have to provide answers, but should ask questions: ‘What, for God’s sake, made all this turn loose in a human being?’

(from an interview with Frieda Pittoors)


We've played 12 performances in Flanders in March, April and May 1994.


Direction: Erik Wouters

Music: Flor Verschueren

Photos: Yasmine Janssens


Erik Dekeyser

Nancy Schellekens

Marc Wagemans

Els Van Gils

Erna Roefs

Nadine Van Miert

Annick Lesage

Erik Wouters


De Standaard March 1994 1994

Small, vulnerable motions. Costumes with shades of yellow and red. The performance is slow but the intensity, concentration and empathy make sure it catches. The continuous presence on stage of Medea's children heightens the dramatic tension. They'll be the victims of a strife they don't understand.

De Morgen March 1994 1994

The sobriety of the scenery is reflected in the way of acting and the way Medea's story is brought back to its essence. I'ts the peculiar strength of this keenly thought-out but emotionally charged performance.